Welcome to Daniel Howard’s blog, a place where we talk about reading, writing, and everything in between. Expect a healthy does of cynicism and a less-healthy dose of foul language. There may even be the occasional sprinkle of new releases and other fun content.

Grammar Gripes: The Oxford Comma

The Oxford comma is the proper name for that comma added at the end of a list of items. It’s a common question among new writers and experienced writers alike: Does the last item before “and” need a comma? The Oxford comma says yes. So do I. Compare the following. I...

Worse Than Writer’s Block

I hate writer’s block. It’s like an itch you can’t scratch, a painful pressure in the creative sinuses, a constipation of the soul. Luckily, there are various back scratchers, nasal sprays, and laxatives available for writer’s block. It can be overcome, or it passes...

Grammar Gripes: The Semicolon

I’ll throw this one right out there: I hate semicolons. In all the proofreading I’ve done in my life - a significant amount - ninety percent of the semicolons I’ve encountered have been used incorrectly. An additional nine percent of those semicolons were used...

Inspiration is for Amateurs

This is not an original idea. I’ve heard it before somewhere, probably several somewheres in fact, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give it my own spin. The title says it all: Inspiration is for amateurs. I’m speaking here as a working writer. The majority of my income...

Grammar Gripes: Hyphens in Adjectives

Here’s one that is still pretty tricky. It still gets me Googling the answer, and I mess it up from time to time as well. When do we add a hyphen to an adverb-adjective pair? Here’s the general rule. Hyphenate an adverb-adjective pair when the adverb does not end with...

When I Learned Science Fiction is Literature

As a starry-eyed young man, I dreamed of creating great literature. Or becoming a naturopath, but that’s another story entirely. I’ve done neither, but at least there’s still a chance on the literature front. Unfortunately, my great love is (and always has been) the...

About Me

I'm a writer, editor, nerd, and foul-mouthed cheerleader of creative people everywhere. When not trying to force words to do my bidding, I'm a husband and father.

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