Need writing advice? It can be annoying getting that from writers. Let’s face it: writers say and do some pretty pretentious shit. Whether it’s tapping away at a Macbook at the nearest Starbucks or rambling on about how much meditation helps them “get in the writing zone,” we’ve heard it all before. The thing is,

Let’s face it: writers say and do some pretty pretentious shit. Whether it’s tapping away at a Macbook at the nearest Starbucks or rambling on about how much meditation helps them “get in the writing zone,” we’ve heard it all before. The thing is, lot of that crap really works. Here’s a breakdown of some of the silly things writers do to help them write more, write better, or even write at all. Of course, each look at

Of course, each of these potentially ridiculous activities is served up with my signature blend of cuss words, snark, and total unwavering belief that you can really do this whole writing thing.

So explore the entries below to see if something here clicks for you. Or just have a chuckle at some of the mental contortions writers put themselves through just to make words appear on a page.

Pretentious Sh*t That Works: Coffee

Pretentious Sh*t That Works: Coffee

So in my list of Pretentious Sh*t That Works, there is little that is as cliche - or as essential - as my favorite socially acceptable chemical dependency: coffee. There's a lot to love about this magical, bitter beverage. It's cheap, abundant, and has myriad physical...

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Pretentious Sh*t That Works: Travel

Pretentious Sh*t That Works: Travel

Is there anything more cliche than a traveling writer? (There might be, but I may just explode if I try to write it down.) Yet, long after it has ceased to be original, the trope of the traveling writer remains. Why? Well, the trope likely began when writing was a...

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About Me

I'm a writer, editor, nerd, and foul-mouthed cheerleader of creative people everywhere. When not trying to force words to do my bidding, I'm a husband and father.

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