Grammar Gripes: i.e. and e.g.

  It’s been a while since I wrote a Grammar Gripe. For those readers who enjoy them, I’m sorry it’s take so long. Though there are a few others in the queue that I’ve been slowly considering, this s one of has bothered me for for years. (Yes, I...

Grammar Gripes: The Oxford Comma

The Oxford comma is the proper name for that comma added at the end of a list of items. It’s a common question among new writers and experienced writers alike: Does the last item before “and” need a comma? The Oxford comma says yes. So do I. Compare the following. I...

Grammar Gripes: The Semicolon

I’ll throw this one right out there: I hate semicolons. In all the proofreading I’ve done in my life – a significant amount – ninety percent of the semicolons I’ve encountered have been used incorrectly. An additional nine percent of those semicolons were...

Grammar Gripes: Hyphens in Adjectives

Here’s one that is still pretty tricky. It still gets me Googling the answer, and I mess it up from time to time as well. When do we add a hyphen to an adverb-adjective pair? Here’s the general rule. Hyphenate an adverb-adjective pair when the adverb does not end with...

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