Welcome to Daniel Howard’s blog, a place where we talk about reading, writing, and everything in between. Expect a healthy does of cynicism and a less-healthy dose of foul language. There may even be the occasional sprinkle of new releases and other fun content.

Why I’m an Independent Author

Whenever I meet someone new, the social contract kicks in and someone inevitably asks, "So, what do you do for a living?" Or some equally trite equivalent. I have a lot of options -- teaching, editing, writing, and a few others from time to time -- but I usually tick...

Like the Work, Don’t Like the Author?

I’ve recently learned about the slate voting problem in this year’s Hugo Awards, especially by two groups of conservative science fiction writers: the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies. These two groups seem to feel feel white, heterosexual males are under attack and...

Things I Learned Publishing a Second Anthology

Voices of Imagination was an idea with equal parts altruism and selfish pragmatism. On the one hand, I really do want to give authors of all kinds another venue by which to publish their work. On the other hand, I wanted to have more literary properties to sell with...

Can Your Writing Take a Punch (Part 3)

As an editor, I’m also in the position to criticize and alter other writers work, especially when they submit to my anthology. I go out of my way to be accommodating, not only because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but at thirty-three I still look thirteen....

Can Your Writing Take a Punch? (Part 2)

So what inspired this blog post? Funny you should ask. I’ve recently been reminded of the sting of criticism, and it was upsetting. Mostly, it was upsetting because it came out of the blue, but it also may have cost me a steady project. I won’t go into the details,...

Can Your Writing Take a Punch? (Part 1)

Writing is more than just a job. It’s a lifestyle choice. It’s a way of looking at things. It’s and art and a science. It can be one of the simplest, most straightforward processes. Or it can be a steaming pile of pretentiousness. It’s act of creation that we invest...

About Me

I'm a writer, editor, nerd, and foul-mouthed cheerleader of creative people everywhere. When not trying to force words to do my bidding, I'm a husband and father.

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