Taken in the Dark of Night

James of Darkwood wants vengeance on those who have wronged him. He has tracked his quarry to a small farming town in the Eastlands, not knowing that a greater evil lurks nearby.

Voices of Imagination 2

The second volume of the anthology Voices of Imagination features another broad range of voices and ideas from a variety of science fiction, fantasy and horror authors. 

Taken in the Dark of Night

The first Voices of Imagination anthology features new and emerging voices in speculative fiction from around the world. Stories range from the exciting to the disturbing, but always interesting.

My Greatest Regret of 2016: Silence

In the last month or so, I've tried several times to write my response to recent world events, particularly the back-sliding of Western countries into older models of nationalism and selfishness. My misgivings have been slowly brewing as I've read about nationalist...

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